Open your karaoke club!
Franchise Blue Bird Karaoke Rooms

A unique concept combined with modern technological equipment has no equal in the European market
New kind of collective entertainment for Europeans
unique karaoke club, consisting of five isolated karaoke rooms, each of which allows you to retire from other visitors and have a great time!
Estimated profit and payback
Blue Bird Karaoke Rooms
€15 720
Average monthly net profit for the first year of operation
€25 530
Average monthly net profit for the 2nd year of operation
1 mo.
Output on self-sufficiency
24 mo.
Return On Investment
What is a karaoke club?
This is a fan style business!
  • For a visitor:

  • For an entrepreneur:

  • A chance to celebrate an occasion unconventionally or have a good time
  • Start your own business with our help
    (we do all the work on a turn-key basis)
  • Sing only with the people you are pleased to be with
  • An opportunity to run the business in a niche where there is practically no competition
  • An opportunity not only to sing your favorite song but also get a USB-flash with a record of your performance
  • Work in a team with professionals
  • You can choose a song in any language due to the multilanguage interface
  • A simple model for starting and running a business
  • The visitor has the opportunity to control the karaoke system from his/her smartphone
  • An opportunity to earn money!
What is a karaoke club?
For a visitor:
  • A chance to celebrate an occasion unconventionally or have a good time
  • Sing only with the people you are pleased to be with
  • An opportunity not only to sing your favorite song but also get a USB-flash with a record of your performance
  • You can choose a song in any language due to the multilanguage interface
  • The visitor has the opportunity to control the karaoke system from his/her smartphone
For an entrepreneur:
  • Start your own business with our help
    (we do all the work on a turn-key basis)
  • An opportunity to run the business in a niche where there is practically no competition
  • Work in a team with professionals
  • A simple model for starting and running a business
  • An opportunity to earn money!
We created a unique karaoke club, consisting of five isolated karaoke rooms, each of which allows you to retire from other visitors and have a great time!
Key Benefits
Blue Bird Karaoke Rooms
Create a new market for collective
The lack of competition on the European
market in this niche
Professional equipment, which even the recording studios will be jealous of
The unique software that provides functioning of karaoke rooms
Launch a karaoke room on a turn-key basis
10 years of experience in building and developing a restaurant and entertainment business
Start your business with Blue Bird Karaoke Rooms
Get a profit, payback and expenses calculation for your city / country
The diagram of income from one visitor for two hours spent in a karaoke club:
Rent a room
€10 (25%)
€20 (25%)
€10 (25%)
On average, 15 people rest in one room, designed for 20-25 people. Accordingly, the income will be 600 euros.
The terms of the partnership with
Blue Bird Karaoke Rooms
Blue Bird Karaoke Rooms in Budapest
The club is located in the center of night life in Budapest and for 6 months of work has become a popular place for tourists and residents
Open your own Blue Bird KaraokeClub
is very simple
The future partner should provide the necessary investments to build a club at the rate of €1000 for 1 square meter. He also receives all the permits for this type of business from the local authorities.
We carry out all the works on a turn-key basis: from soundproofing to installation of microphones.
The partner hires the staff, and we train them to work
We launch the club together with the partner
The partner becomes a full owner of the club and starts making money!
Requirements for location:
  • The karaoke club can be located in the basement, semibasement
    premises, on the ground floors of residential
    buildings (if it meets the requirements of local legislation),
    malls, etc.
  • The karaoke club should be located in the central part of the
    city or in places of mass recreation of citizens.
  • The presence of a number of tourist areas.
  • It is important to have your own parking.
Requirements for premises:
  • The area for the karaoke club should not be less than 300 sq. m
  • for the arrangement of five karaoke rooms.
  • The ratio of working and auxiliary areas is 70% by 30% (for the
  • club of 300 sq. m).
  • Possibility to conduct a full repair.
  • The availability or possibility to conduct sewerage, ventilation.
  • Possibility to install an air conditioning system.
  • Possibility to conduct a high-speed internet.
  • Power consumption 40-50 kW
Requirements for premises:
  • The area for the karaoke club should not be less than 300 sq. m
  • for the arrangement of five karaoke rooms.
  • The ratio of working and auxiliary areas is 70% by 30% (for the
  • club of 300 sq. m).
  • Possibility to conduct a full repair.
  • The availability or possibility to conduct sewerage, ventilation.
  • Possibility to install an air conditioning system.
  • Possibility to conduct a high-speed internet.
  • Power consumption 40-50 kW
Requirements for franchise
We are open to cooperation with entrepreneurs from all countries of Europe and the world. Our partner must meet the following requirements
Entrepreneurial experience
Own or rented premises
Necessary financial resources
Willingness to work in the Blue Bird Karaoke Clubs Chain
Compliance with corporate policies of the Blue Bird Karaoke Clubs Chain
Readiness to work in this business all life
Entrepreneurial experience
Own or rented premises
Necessary financial resources
Willingness to work in the Blue Bird Karaoke Clubs Chain
Compliance with corporate policies of the Blue Bird Karaoke Clubs Chain
Readiness to work in this business all life
An easy way to start your successful business in recreation and entertainment
Support for the Blue Bird franchisee
  • Assistance in finding and analyzing the necessary premises
  • Development of a design project
  • Selection and delivery of all necessary building materials and equipment required for the activity of karaoke rooms
  • Repair and technical equipment of the location with all necessary equipment (all works are carried out at the expense of the franchisee)
  • Assistance in the selection of staff
  • Training of staff in the existing karaoke club of the chain (by agreement)
  • Maintaining a corporate website and clubs pages in social networks
  • Development of an advertising and marketing strategy for the promotion of the club, taking into account the local characteristics of the region (city/country)
  • The launch team on-site visit for the test opening of the club (paid by the franchisee). The launch team works from 5 to 7 working days
  • Organization of the official opening of the karaoke club
How to join the Blue Bird Karaoke Clubs Chain
Apply for the purchase of a franchise
Discuss the details of the cooperation
(by personal meeting or online)
Conclude a franchise agreement
Find the premises that meet the requirements
Pay the lumpsum payment
Repair of premises on a turn-key basis
(all works are carried out at the expense of the partner)
Selection and training of the staff
Test launch of the club
(with the help of the launch team)
Full-fledged start of the Blue Bird Karaoke Club
Apply for a franchise
Enter your contacts below, the customer service manager will contact you as soon as possible
Contact the owner
Blue Bird Karaoke Rooms:
Contact the owner
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